Автор: Administrator
Сряда, 17 Ноември 2010г. 09:38ч. |
Здравейте колеги, по-долу ще намерите информация за кандидатстване в международна програма за студенти по аналитична психология в Юнг института в Сан Франциско, която любезно ни предостави Ерел Шалит.
The International Analytical Psychology Student Program
at the C. G. Jung Institute of San Francisco 2011 – 2013
To: Presidents of IAAP Groups
The San Francisco Institute is announcing its International Analytical Psychology Student position for Sept 1, 2011 until August 31, 2013. Potential applicants will have only until January 31 to apply. You will find attached a document with a description of the program, its requirements, costs, and application procedures. Please distribute this information to your members and to potential candidates.
With thanks and best regards,
Brian Feldman. Ph.D. Chair, International Analytical Psychology Student Program Committee C. G. Jung Institute of San Francisco
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Последна промяна от Сряда, 17 Ноември 2010г. 09:44ч. |